Friday, January 10

remember when Sunny was cool?

God loves you so much that he sent his only begotten son to suffer and die for the sin of the world so that if and when you realize that everything is cringe in comparison and seek and find him, you can be with him without sin standing in your way.

be vigilant, satan is walking up and down the earth like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. call on the name of Jesus and be restored.

these screens are from an it's always cringe in philadelphia episode which if you're not digging on homosexuality, you're a perverted convict who cuts another man's tongue out with a rusty plier to feed it to maggots.

please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.
please wake up to the conditioning of this world and seek Jesus while there's still time.

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