Wednesday, October 30

Psalm 104

man. God nasil benden (a chief sinner with a wicked wicked heart) bi christian yapti gercekten incredible. cenemi kapatamiyorum nasil neden etrafima bakiyorum diyorum su adam bu kadin biliyorum before i was born again he/she was a better person than i why Father why not them but me. soylemeye calisiyorum su adama bu kadina do you care about God at all, like in any capacity do you think about the creator or whatever do you care at all and they're all like yeah sure i guess. they guess. how are you not conscious of God, the almighty creator of EVERYTHING, being within earshot with every step you take in waking life, He's so interesting. He's allowed me so much information because i keep asking Him for more information, it all comes together, there has never been a plan B, He is in the midst of it all up on the throne and in control, when it's all said and done the only accurate human description of the whole of it would be Love and it's flawless. why do i (a chief sinner with a wicked wicked heart) get all this, and people who never sinned like i had don't? or why do they not care? is it not about how wicked you've been and all about caring? is God after Likes and Follows? le gasp! you're telling me that it'''''about---- faith?.....[li][ci] why did God choose to demonstrate His miracles in such a specific way that thousands of years later people who Live Laugh Love would scoff at them? surely the almighty could have picked scenarios that, one can never possibly grow out of. how about a giant billboard orbiting the earth that reads IF YOU SIN I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU BECAUSE THAT'S WHY I MADE MAN IN THE MANNER THAT I HAD JUST SO I CAN DESTROY THEM WHEN THEY INEVITABLY SIN LOL. hey now. do you really think He who made the heavens and the earth and covered it with grass tree and mountain and then adorned it with flowers and plants and populated it with birds and butterflies and deer and whales and baby whales and mosquitoes and spiders and hornets and louder more aggressive types of hornets can be that redundant? the devil says yes and the new yorkers say yes and you like and subscribe and click on the notifications bell. the bible says He prepared hell for the devil and the angels rebelled under the devil. not for you. listen to that still small voice in the back of your mind and turn to God, ask to be a partaker in His shed blood that you may be covered with His righteousness rather than the darkness of this world upon which He will pour out His wrath when it's time for Him to do so. why remain in rebellion when God is offering you to not be accountable for your rebellion, free of charge? what possible reason aside from foolish pride can one have when Jesus has done all the work already? the wages of sin is death but the Gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

come to your senses. your Father wants His child to be where He is. Forever. Amen.

Tuesday, August 6

make haste (haste makes waste) feat. posthaste west

tesekkur ediyorum yorum birakanlara ben asla onaylamasam da (kisisel degil, it's MY BLOG. MINE. MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE) da uzuluyorum cunku genel tema niye hersey silinmis ve ee that's not funny? people please. the end is nigh and the kingdom of heaven is near. stop memeing like i have here and start spending time with the word of God. start with the new testament so that after you finished and started reading the old testament you could see it's all about Jesus coming to save everybody who would follow him. the measly hassle ridden best case scenario 65 years you get in this life is not what God created you for. He wants you to be a part of His family and rule with you forever and ever. youtube is more than what it tells you what's trending. if it's cringe to you, and i get it, that's the conditioning, watch DR. MICHAEL HEISER's SUPERNATURAL seminar on youtube. it's like a ted talk but towards the opposite end of capitalizing on sending your unbeknownst soul into the lake of fire for eternity. you like ted talks don't you? sure you do.

this is part 1 of 4