Friday, December 5

i would be so nice to circa 2000 julia stiles

turkiyedeki music cdlerim beni limitliyo. ne zaman burdaysam ayni seyleri dinliyorum, ozlemis oluyorum zaten falan. diyorum ki no way dude en iyi grup bu -- amarikaya dondugumde whatever they're ok i guess :s e donusuyo. koye moye gidip herseyin en iyisinin o oldugunu sanmakla ayni etki. orda bi inegi dururken izleyip herseyin en iyisi bu inek iste diyosun, ben de istanbuldayken rhcp en iyisi diyorum. en enteresani ben hic koye moye gitmedim. kucukken film falan izledim heralde because i know EXACTLY what it's like. manure smell, mud, rocks, manure, parachute pants, ugly ass old people, boring cows, pooping is an ordeal, poop smell, children making love to docile animals, inbreeding, inbred dogs, wonky titted hairy women, bad teeth, shit smelling shitty architecture, shit covered ducks, a cat, designated abandoned warehouse type rape area,but they don't call it rape, one of the locals tried explaining what it meant, the impression i got was like a rape that occurs on a lovely evening with some singing, but still against the girls will, sort of--it's tough to explain :)), owls i guess, some faggot kid that stares maybe he has like a pet goat or something, he witnessed rabbits doin it that one time his dad chased his ass outta the house cause he walked in on mom&dad doin it after they caught the neighbor boy fucking their donkey
simdi cikip dicek ki HAYIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORASI KOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KOYLU MITLLETIN EFENDISI!!!!!!!!!! SEN HIC KOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KOY ORASIU ALOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KOY!!!!!!!!!!! YUH SANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
niye boylesiniz ki? orayi savunucan da nolucak? biliyosun boring ve bs oldugunu. haaaaaaaaaa git meyve sebze cikart ananin amindan ye falan mi argumanininz? savundugun insanlara ecdadindan toprak kalmis ve herkes gibi para karsiliginda is yapiyolar. sence o adama al trilyon dolar ama iste kimsen savunan diyelim adin sinan, deseler o savundugun temsili adama al sana trilyon dolar ama bi sart sinanin anasini sikiceksin, sence o adam ve savundugun bi kamyon koylu bir olup gelip sinanin anasini sikmez mi? noldu savunuyodun koy bilmemne. ananin amini gordun mu sinan? kimseyi savunma. bise diyim mi bana trilyon verseler senin skank ass ho bag anneni sikmem. harbi diyorum sikmem. gross. neymis? milletin hakettigi efendisi benim.

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