gday lads, buraya yaziyorum simdi arguing with pagans, if the shoe fits, if you're too stir crazy to think rationally about the most important thing which is how and where you will be spending eternity allow me to do it for you, now, i know what i'm talking about, i've been on both sides, these are questions that i brought up along the way, because like Jesus said, The Father wants His children to worship Him in spirit and truth. let's roll oll
* i don't believe in god because times and nasa
ok. raise your hand if you've been spoonfed all your life throughout all media with the words and absolutely free of charge CGIs of ex nazi scientists... i'm noticing you're not raising your hands? you may now pull out your phones to google operation paperclip. here's one for the road:
* i don't believe in god because i don't believe things i can't see or hear so
i mean you don't see or hear gravity either but try bringing that argument up when your spine is broken because you refused to factor gravity into your decision making process cause you never really could paint a jar of it red to give granma
* i don't believe in god because ancient aliens and pyramids
what we call aliens are disembodied spirits, demons and angels who rebelled under lucifer. the bible mentions their ilk with a blanket term "nephilim" (sons of God who went in unto daughters of man) their mission is to deceive whilst getting glory and having fun. based on innumerable testimonies, calling on the name of Jesus sets them ablaze running. not buddha, not mohammed, only Jesus.
* i believe in god but he doesn't have a son
hi. can we assume as a devout muslim you know all things? no? how about half of everything? no? so if you don't even claim to know half of everything how is it that you know that Jesus isn't The Son of God? you wouldn't even know the difference between east and west if it weren't for the setting of the sun and that's only the plot device but how the living God decided to execute His master plan for the redemption of his children from his adversary from the foundation of the world, that you know the ins and outs of with absolute certainty and it didn't happen. reasonable.
btw did you know after seeing the wife of his adopted son in her house clothes while she answered the door and liking it, mohammed forced his adopted son to divorce her so he can have her? you may now pull out your phones and google Righteousness
* i don't believe in god because sure sure yours is the true god lul
after the tower of babel incident God separated the nations to lesser deities, those that used to be in His court while planning to take israel for Himself. (nation of priests, people of God, creating the messianic bloodline, all according to plan) so until the coming of the son of God, the gentiles really did have lesser, utilitarian placeholders (because even though God hid His face from the world in His anger, He's still good and He still wanted all people to be taken care of) but Jesus' triumph fulfilled that contract. (Psalm 82) now all who call upon His son are reconciled to God as one nation, His people.
so yeah, thousands of gods (little g) around the world with their cool stories and statues yet it's still 2020 AD, the year of our Lord. imagine that.
* i don't believe in god because like i don't think you're supposed to know and we're like all beings and like energies and stuff and like white people on a hike getting naked for no reason and waving at nothing? yknow?
i actually don't. never been much of a gnostic myself, that whole vibe is utter cringe to me. but hey, we're supposed to be with the knowledge of our creator. the whole point of existence is to seek and find Him to have eternity in His presence while we rule with Him. in your gnosticism what kinda memery is taking 20 years to "mature" whilst doing whatever we want only to fail over and over again to finally arrive at the funny money reasoning which how nothing is our fault and oh hey we're 60 now time to be ever vigilant in watching out for that cold front i guess
get real
* i believe in god and i'm not worried about religion because i'm a good person isn't he like super forgiving like i'll probably be ok
Jesus said there's none good but God. good means moral excellence. we're all sinners in need of God's mercy. God is just, which means He can't not punish lawbreakers, else the accuser has grounds to shake his dirty finger at God and His perfect character. when you ask Jesus to be a partaker of His shed blood for the forgiveness of your sins, God can legally dismiss your case since He's on record having punished your sins by way of His son having suffered and died for them, now you can be where He is forever without your sin standing in your way because sin can't go be where God is.
* i don't believe in god because heaven sounds boring i'm just not into being all goody two shoes if i had to believe i'd sooner believe in satan cause party hardy drink bacardi my guy
Jesus said, the human heart is by default is of stone, when you turn to Him and follow Him, He will give you a heart of flesh, i can personally attest to this, i was literally you until i realized that the rulers of this world provably worship satan while spending billions to make sure i never worship God. i used to love everything God hates, now i detest everything satan brought into this world by corrupting what God created to be good. i say the word of God checks out.
* i don't believe in god, i believe in memes, do you remember subscribe to pewdiepie?
* i don't believe in god because how can a loving god allow suffering and my terrible life
if God gave you everything you ever wanted you'd have been a surefire product of your environment, never daring to make any waves lest you diminished in any way. God's motivation is that you may have eternity with Him, wouldn't you smack the goodboy off of your dog's face if he had poisoned food in his mouth? think about suffering as a way of trial and error until you find the truth that He may heal you and set you free. voodoo is so prevalent in africa that there are ads in newspapers for the services of witchdoctors. if God disallowed suffering, people would ignorantly die in their sins and be separated from God throughout eternity, heavy is the head that wears the crown.
* i don't believe in god because violence
the old testament violence was always against the corrupted flesh, products of the fallen angels messing with the dna and the crusades were of the vatican from which the serpent rules, deceiving people under the guise of Jesus Christ, pagans worshipping angels and statues and mary.
* i don't believe in god because i love this celebrity and he doesn't believe in god and i think he's super cool and i want to either be like him to get chicks or be the kinda woman to attract someone like him so to cut my teenage lyfe feat. my not yet fully developed frontal lobes story hour short i don't believe in god because hormones
well i don't really know how to respond to that. can you maybe think about how like lame that is while you're trying to like go to sleep i guess?
* i want to believe in God but i don't think i can be strong enough to be what he wants me to be
Christ died for us while we're yet sinners, He didn't wait until we worked on ourselves to become better versions of ourselves. we turn to Him in contrition with the acknowledgement that nothing we can possibly do could ever earn us His favor, He'd never owe us heaven because we did xyz however many times a day or frantically helped old ladies across the streets all the days of our lives. He'll also never compromise from who He is, or from His perfect character to suffer sin to go unpunished. He's in need of nothing, it's just that because He's rich in mercy and because He loves us and to make provision for us He sent His only begotten, beloved Son to die for the sin of the world so that if spending eternity with Him is what we want the most, we may have it. freely. the apostle paul calls it, the unspeakable Gift.
repent and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
God bless you all!
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