proclaiming the gospel to the people is like pulling teeth. they either don't care or they think they already know the truth and i'm the devil trying to drag them to hell lol. the ones that think they already have the answer either have never read anything or they read enough of it to have been conditioned to have a healthy deathly fear of bringing any criticism to it. the gist is that without realizing they're stripping the most high of his holiness. they figure if you do x y and z he will just forgive your sins. so sin is just a word to him, it doesn't mean a whole bunch. ok. so when do i get to the Holiest God, one that would NEVER suffer sin to go unpunished? because according to your doctrine allah isn't he.
Jesus is the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. God, if he wasn't the most high, the holiest God, wouldn't have suffered to be crucified after living a life without sin if it wasn't the only way for us to be with him. but now that he has, the accuser can't say there can be a holier God, one that would never suffer sin, because the holiest God doesn't. he could have just ruled for his people to come be with him when they died if they lived good enough lives having done the designated x y and z, instead of pouring out his wrath upon Jesus for the sin of the entire world. but there's none good but God, and sin can't go be where he is, because He is The Holiest God.
i believe i'm a sinner in need of God's mercy and i'm trusting what Jesus did on the cross to be my redemption.
and if not ending up in the outer darkness (where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth) for eternity is of interest to you, you should also.
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