Monday, October 30

man found frozen solid after mistakingly thinking the ice wouldn't break, foolishly not taking the weight of his hundred pound backpack and hunting gear into account

9 yil falan once problem turkiye sanip amerikaya geldim, 4 yildir falan alaska istemem problemin turkiye degil de cozumun amerika olmadigini mi gosteriyo yoksa 5 yil sonra fkin alaska diye bi post daha mi gelecek onu mu bi dusunulmeli. belki de problem ya da yanlis cevap bloggingdir. ne skime yaziyosam. eghh gunluk memeinin belki de o kadar memey olmadigini insan 30una dayamisken farketmesi nasil bir parental faildir ya da 30unda hala parental fail diye dusunmek nasil bir parental faildir ya da unironically internetteki insandan unironically life answers aramak nasil bi parental faildir, published olmasalar da ben donup bakiyorum bazen iste belki 9 yillik postlara, get me the fuck outta here temali olsalar da icimi isitiyo bazilari. alaskaya yerlesip sogukta icimi isitayim istiyorum bu eski gunluk ile. neden isinmak icin alaska sogugu ariyorum? seems kinda redundant init? neden backnforth ingilizceye gecip duruyorum? cunku i guess yillardir her post gibi bu post da kendime ilerde alaskada isinayim diye. idk these times aren't for men. i wanna hunt and fish n shit. i wanna chop wood because otherwise i'd die. i wanna get outta the bed every morning to make sure i could the next day. i want all the mundane struggles of ancient times. i want meat drying on the rack. i want the burden of the possibility of trespassers. i want a good dog and a reliable pistol. clean air and clean water and i just don't see ever getting right without these things. without these things all i see is boredom and wickedness. i see a man that i got fuck all for respect. only under these conditions do i see wanting to socialize, wanting to check up on people i like, helping out, wanting to try my darnedest to keep a good woman to brighten up my day and warm my bed, wanting to make a kid, wanting to give a head start to something that i love with all i know so that when it's their turn they don't wander aimlessly for 30 years to find their way and when they create something it's even more refined until down the line the offspring is so amazing that they're on youtube for it and their children would be spoiled brats who do drugs and don't give a fuk till they realize they got memed by the climax of the hard work and sacrifices of their lineage half way through. the ejaculate of their making was so pure that any and all things after that point in time is just flat in comparison, then they wade through the flat without so much as a north star to possibly chance upon the land with all to do, then hit em with one last ecksdee before starting from scratch.

and onward goes this little thing called sentience.

cya fags

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