wew lads. incredible how quickly things can change. and how easily change can come as long as your heart's in the right place. praise the almighty god in heaven.
anyway here's how i got here
i stopped jerking off twice a day, my elbow was BTFOd cause of weightlifting and i was waterfasting to get it to heal so, fasting, i saw ufos over lake lanier and after talking about it with people i know someone introduced me to 81 year old martin who i think is an elder druid(ecksdee) to tell me about the ways of the planet, learned a whole bunch of stuff that immediately made all the sense in the world, realized that i've gotten memed by devil worshippers into being an atheist, repented, reestablished the inseparable connection we all have with god and boom. i wake up every morning like when i was a kid with love in my heart.
it's all laid out infront of us but here these might help;
free will
the god hole
the holy spirit
Isaiah 57:20